Thursday, February 22, 2024

DS #2: A Kindness of Tendrils: Really finished!

 I am partly on to getting new drawings ready for new paintings, but I keep deciding this one is not quite finished. So I did some more on it Tuesday and today. Tuesday I added the three dark red circles or sets of circles (at both ends of the bottom, and at the middle-ish top). Today I added a little more to those circles, and also did a bit more stuff to the right-hand wolf cub. Now it feels really finished, with a more intense energy.

Now I'm on to composing new paintings. I have one drawing ready to transfer already, put together some pieces that were really exciting for a second one Tuesday, and got a third one going today, with some pieces gathering for a fourth one I think. And spent time going through older sketchbooks, and contemplating and percolating.


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