Friday, November 10, 2023

DS #1: Just. About. Done.

This is an actual stage in my paintings and other art: Finished - Just About. Meaning that I think it's finished, maybe - sometimes I'm more sure, sometimes less - but the piece needs to sit a few days or a week or so, and then I'll look at it again, and ask all the parts of me - my gut, my heart, my feet, my left elbow - listening as closely and clearly as I can: is there anything unsettled? Anything that feels like it's missing? Does it have all the energy and balance it needs? Has it completed the circle?

Considering that I often don't know what my pieces mean, or are about (I just (hopefully) feel strongly that they are trying to say something), this is not an easy thing. And it may be years, decades, before I consciously understand a painting better...

So, here it is, DS #1 (which now needs a title), all-but-finished; untaped, signed, and partly dated:

This is not the well-photographed image I'll end up with, but a just-for-now pic.

One of the things posting it here will do for me is help me see it more clearly.

Now it needs a name. Anyone have any thoughts? I'm open to suggestion...

Tech tip: do you want to see this larger? Click on the image to make it almost-full-browser-window size. (This is not the same as "full screen...")

1 comment:

Kate Meyers said...

I love love love the action in the horse!