Friday, August 2, 2024

A newly gathered collection of recent mixed media abstracts

 As I was going through my work in preparation for a little one-day arts & crafts fair at my church (Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains (UUCM) if you're curious), I realized how much I liked some of the pieces I'd been  working on pre-pandemic. Sometimes it takes time and distance to see what you love about your own work; at least, for me it does.

I got a bunch of them matted; before I did that, I had good photos taken, so I'd have good photos for any of these that sold.

The more I look at these, the more I love them. I do see them as kind of a feeder stream for my Dream Surreal watercolors, but I'm also seeing them as lovely and important - if only to me - in their own right. I am reminded sometimes of Miro; sometimes of Kandinsky... and sometimes of nothing I can think of.

So I'm putting these up here as a series. Two of them appeared in my recent UUCM art show, and my photos of those two, the two collages, are not great, but they'll give you an idea. Of the rest, I think the photos are pretty good now.

1) Birth of the Sun Among Oaks: multi-color pencil, colored pencils, collage and watercolor

2) Carnation Chrysalis: multi-color pencil & watercolor? or maybe just watercolor

 3) Downward Oscillating Ripple: multi-color pencil, colored pencils, collage & watercolor

4) Drifting Down Through Basking Layers: multi-color pencil & watercolor

5) Elm's Reaching Arms: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 6) Jeweled Pool Reflection: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 7) Quartering Time: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 8) Rooted Cloisonne Plunge: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 9) Storm Front Passing: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 10) Tones & Vistas, Evening: multi-color pencil & watercolor

 11) Tornado Looming: multi-color pencil & watercolor


Tech tip: do you want to see any of these larger? Click on the image to make it almost-full-browser-window size. (This is not the same as "full screen...")

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