Friday, August 2, 2024

More work on my parents' portrait

 It's been a while! I'm not sure if I've ever posted about the portrait-in-(very long)progress of my mom and dad. It started back in, um, I think 1996? 1998? Anyway, it's been going on for over 25 years now.

I haven't given up on it. I think it is close to completion. I think I could maybe get it done by the end of this year. One of the most terrifying things I've ever worked on - which is a big part of why it's taking so long... I'll post more of the back story in future posts, I think, but meanwhile, starting from now:

Here's a view of more-or-less the whole thing, as it looked about two years ago. It's distorted, as you can probably tell if you look closely, but it gives you a good idea.

A closeup of the dried grass arrangement, which I think of as part of Mom's portrait - she was growing and drying flowers and grasses, and arranging them, and she didn't really want to be seen herself...

Those dried grasses were a beast to paint. But I think I finally got them.

Mom's blouse - she sewed that, too:

Dad and his shirt (minus pocket protector with a HUGE weight of pens, pencils, notebooks and calculator, which I did NOT allow him to wear when I photographed them):

The latest of Mom:

The latest of Dad:

There you have it, for now.

Tech tip: do you want to see any of these larger? Click on the image to make it almost-full-browser-window size. (This is not the same as "full screen...")

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