Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cinder: WIP #12

Okay. Work on Cinder's face today, as well as smoothing out her chest, shoulders and right foreleg; and some work on Foofer. Also worked some more on Cinder's hind toes, and her hind feet are approaching finished.

Here's a closer look at Cinder's face, and Foofer. When I started on her eyes, she looked like some red-eyed were-dog; now, with a little detail, they're starting to look more like sweet dog's eyes. I've been modeling the head shape, refining her muzzle, and shaping her ears. Foofer's looking pretty finished, and seems to have a velvety look. I'm not sure how that happened, though of course I'm happy about it; I just hope it's not because my photography today is not totally in focus. I added just a glimpse of Cinder's blue collar. I like the way the shape and colors of her head are looking, and I think the end is in sight. It seems to be very helpful to be able to look at photos of the painting, onscreen; it gives me a better sense of how well the painting holds up as a whole.

One of the major parts of this still to be done is the fringe of the blanket. But aside from that, it's getting close.

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